
final session of the day..
the swans get it. in the magnificent hiding hidden place. get off the mark trying to build the lead. clip the pad..light it up! WITH A BAT IN YOUR HAND. beautifully wept. beautifully whipped. I live my life as the crow flies. The ground was clear..
never expected to walk there.
-me not watching cricket- 

"No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists. You cannot value him alone; you must set him, for contrast and comparison, among the dead."
T.S. Eliot (The Sacred Wood)

"A duck knows film is evil and that's his radio dream."
Richard Foreman

"All the dialogue on tape, and we'd play the tape in performance. Then I thought it'd be interesting if the actor's repeated what they heard on the tape, but at a slower speed, so we'd get a web of language. "
Richard Foreman

"I couldn’t live with myself any longer. And in this a question arose without an answer: who is the ‘I’ that cannot live with the self? What is the self? I felt drawn into a void. I didn’t know at the time that what really happened was the mind-made self, with its heaviness, its problems, that lives between the unsatisfying past and the fearful future, collapsed. It dissolved." - Eckhart Tolle

John C. Lilly - The Center of the Cyclone 

Walking on the Water Installation - site specific installation for the media department atrium

Nick Kent - Apathy for The devil: A 1970's memoir

this is the way the world ends
not with a bang but a whimper
                  t.s. elliot

go check Trinity Buoy Wharf!!!!


'I'd Sell You Suicide': Pop Music and Moral Panic in the Age of Marilyn Manson - Robert Wright


Remaster 'Vernacular' 'cause it sounds as tinny as a tin made out of tin..sub bass infra sounds is key..


rock is mainly about...asserting yourself way before you know what the fuck you're doing - Lester Bangs 


Paint A Vulgar Picture - The Smiths

Ain't it Fun  - Rocket From The Tombs 


zoo's little people living in his brain stopped talkin' to each other. THey hijacked two death stars instead and started to blow up all that remains of his already damaged memories!!!!